[orca-list] Orca text field deactivating randomly

Hey all, this is something I've noticed on both my desktop and laptop with Orca. If I'm typing in a text field, and have focus mode enabled or sticky, Orca will randomly jump out of sticky mode without being prompted to. I know for certain I'm not touching the mouse and the page is not being refreshed, the only common thing is fast typing in a text field.

Here's what happens.

1. Go to a text entry field.

2. Toggle focus mode to sticky or just regular focus

3. Begin typing quickly, anything will do

4. After a certain time, Orca will deactivate focus mode and act as if you're in browse mode.

5. For example I can type this:

This is a test sentence.

It'll do this is a....table with seven rows, edit field, seperator, table....and so forth. It's as if Orca is forgetting somehow it's in sticky mode or even focus mode, and I know for a certainty I don't take it out of focus mode or hit tab at all while typing.


Running 18.04 with the latest updates, this happens on FF/Seamonkey, so is it a Mozilla/Seamonkey issue or is it something in Orca? I don't have a debug log but it's easy to replicate and happpens to me daily while writing things.

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