Re: [orca-list] does openjdk-11-jre package in ubuntu 18.04 support java-atk-wrapper?


Halim Sahin, le dim. 10 juin 2018 03:58:46 +0200, a ecrit:
It seems there are some problems enabling a11y in  newest jre in ubuntu. was installed in wrong place.
It should be in /usr/lib/jvm/<<jre_folder>/conf/
When I create the file there the jvm complains that it can not finde
org.GNONME.... astive technology.


I had reported the issue in... april 2016 on against openjdk-9 but no java
maintainer answered. I reported again against openjdk-10 the other day.

Thanks to your mentioning of the bad place, I could complement the
information there.

What you can do as a workaround for now is

export CLASSPATH=/usr/share/java/java-atk-wrapper.jar

More discussion on the issue should be done on 900912 bugs debian org so
that the proper people get into the discussion.


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