Re: [orca-list] Question about orca git from AUR and following commit changes.

As far as I know there's no list, would be extra work and clutter for most ppl
both to create and follow, i.e. just look at the git page and you should she
commits, and to keep your orca up to date just rerun your aur helper that you
used to install orc-git in the first place, e.g. pacaur, packer, etc.
The version will be checked and if ther is nothing new, no  updated version #
then nothing will be dpone, otherwise you will get the newest orca-master
built and installed assuming you run something like 
pacaur -S orca-git
That command can of course be customized to  suit your desire.
Orca-git in the arch-linux aur is orca-master, no difference.

   Registerd Linux User 521886

  Matthew Dyer wrote:
Wed, Jun 06, 2018 at 03:17:30PM -0400

Hi all,

Currently using antergos arch based distro.  What is the differents between
orca master from git lab and orca from AUR? Also, is there an email list
whare orca commits are sent to? Inother words is there an email list whare
notifications of orca changes are sent?  I looked on tthe orca git lab site,
but did not see anything about this.  Thanks.


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