[orca-list] Orca changes the keyboard mapping.


I don't know if this is the proper place to post this issue, but I'd
like to know if other encounter it before filing it on the bug tracker,
on which a search I already made came empty.

Context: Slint64-, orca 3.27.3, Python 3.5.1, gtk 3.18.9, LANG
set to fr_FR.utf8, keyboard map with layout "fr" (azerty keyboard) as
shown below:
didier[~]$ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-keymap.conf 
Section "InputClass"
        Identifier                      "Keyboard-all"
        MatchIsKeyboard         "yes"
        MatchDevicePath         "/dev/input/event*"
        Driver                          "evdev"
        Option                          "XkbLayout" "fr"
        Option                          "XkbVariant" ""
        Option                          "XkbOptions" ""

Issue: if I press Insert+<space> to bring up the Orca setting GUI then
just click the OK button (labeled Valider in French), the X keyboard
map changes from azerty to qwerty.

didier[~]$ xmodmap -pke|grep " 24 "
keycode  24 = a A a A ae AE ae

didier[~]$ xmodmap -pke|grep " 24 "
keycode  24 = q Q q Q

This is confirmed by xev which first associates keycode 45 to ksym 61,
then to ksym 71.

To get back the default mapping I have to run setxkbmap (no argument).

I tried in several graphical environments: twm, fluxbox, wmaker,
blackbox, KDE 4.14.3, Mate 1.18, Xfce 4.12, same result everywhere.

However if I restart orca then bring up the GUI and click on OK the
layout is not changed (at least not constantly).

I had a look at orca.py, unfortunately my python skills are not good
enough to help me understand the logic.

Any clue appreciated.



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