Re: [orca-list] AutoTalkingArch

This does sound interesting. However, does this distribution support secure boot? Sorry if I'm replying to this threat late or if it is off topic, it just peeked my interest. 😀 

On Aug 8, 2018 at 11:27 AM, <Jude DaShiell> wrote:

An interesting distro.  I got it installed earlier today and this forks

off of blackarch which is a security version of archlinux.
I'm writing this up here since within automatic archlinux install, it can
install gnome and mate and kde as well as a base installation which runs a
command line environment.
I chose the base install today since py-atspi2 had a problem with a python
update earlier and I didn't want to get run over by that problem.
I chose to not encrypt and the system ended up having several problems
each login with missing keys and it encrypted my $HOME partition anyway.
It does log in but it's necessary to have the disk with original iso in
the dvd drive to get to login and it didn't like living on a read-only dvd
and the iso wanted to live on a read-write dvd. I do that so the system
can't modify itself once written or have an outside attacker modify a
read-write dvd for me.
Once the update hits arch I probably install again with gnome and see how
it all runs using orca.
It's also possible to install android from the iso which was a surprise to
me and something I may try in a little while too.


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