Re: [orca-list] firefox bug in clickables

Ouh, the problem is that the crash stopped happening after I sent this
mail and restarted firefox completely. but Before I did, it happened
always. So, if it appears again and I will have a way to reproduce it I
will tell you.

W dniu 18.09.2017 o 12:22, Joanmarie Diggs pisze:
Hi Michał.

I'm not seeing any such crash. Do you have reliable steps to reproduce
this problem? Do you have a full debug.out you can send me?


On 09/17/2017 01:44 PM, Michał Zegan wrote:

It seems that orca crashes when trying to route the mouse to flat review
cursor, but it only happens to me when done to an element in firefox
It is a master from  before 2 days, judging from install date.

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