Re: [orca-list] libre office and browseable documents

Hey Kendell.

We need LibreOffice to fix a number of things before that will work. In
the meantime, could you covert the document into html and then use
Firefox to read it?


On 09/15/2017 08:06 PM, kendell clark wrote:
hi all

This may have been brought up here before, I've been away from the
computer a lot lately. Mellisa has gone down to her parents in houston
to visit, and when that happens I withdraw from everyone until she gets
back. I'm still using linux only except for my windows tablet. But
anyway. Does orca not support browse mode in documents containing web
elements, like some office formats and open document formats with
website like pages, like headings, links, etc? My mom bought a kindle
and I converted the users guide into a doc x file, and I can attach it
if needed. Orca does not seem to support automatically entering browse
mode, and pressing orca+a doesn't do it. Pressing enter on a link
doesn't active or jump to it, and tabbing just places a tab into the
file. If this does not work, can it be added? If this is harder than it
sounds I apologize, I was just curious. This occurs with orca master,
updated this morning and orca stable on both fedora 27 and antergos linux.


Kendell Clark

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