[orca-list] orca modifier key becoming sticky

Under circumstances I can't predict the orca  modifier key will become
sticky. e.g. pressing "s" will disable speech, just as kp-insert s
will normally do. backspace will enable bypass mode "t" will insert
the time. Keys that don't have an orca-modifier action mapped to them
will insert as normal. Killing and restarting orca doesn't fix this
suggesting it's buried somewhere deeper in gnome. I'm running ubuntu
16.04 which implies gnome 3.14.
Anyone else seen this?
Please reply directly as well as to the list

Peter Rayner
Leader, Clean Air and Urban Landscapes NESP hub <http://www.nespurban.edu.au>
room 343 <http://maps.unimelb.edu.au/parkville/building/200>
School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne, 3010, Vic, Australia
tel: work: +61 (0)3 8344 9708; fax: +61 (0)3 8344 7761 
mobile +61 402 752 379, skype: petermorag 
mail-to: prayner unimelb edu au TWITTER: @raynerstrings
google scholar profile <http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=H3up71wAAAAJ&hl=en>

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