[orca-list] Regions in Firefox

On a certain school web platform I use, the questions are in regions.
I down arrow on the page, but, when I hit that region, I can't go any
further (it just says problem region). I can control-right-arrow to read
it word by word or tab over it to the next control, but getting to read
it normally is impossible. I had this issue with an older version of
Orca and have now installed the git master version with similar results
(only it used to say landmark and now it says region). Is this a bug or
feature? How to I get it to read the region's content?
Sebastien Massy
Montreal, Canada
Website: http://www.wolfdream.ca
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/SMassy1
LinkedIn: http://ca.linkedin.com/pub/sebastien-massy/47/5a5/81a

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