Re: [orca-list] slack probably inaccessible, maybe something happened in firefox 57?

Actually this package that you are seeing in your package list is the corret one. Although the package is named as emacs-slack on Github, its name on the Melpa/analogous repos is just slack.

On 11/22/2017 02:28 PM, John Covici wrote:
Thanks a lot -- unfortunately my packages list does not have
emacs-slack, it just has slack which is a different package.  I could
copy the .el files to my site-lisp directory, I suppose.

On Wed, 22 Nov 2017 11:09:33 -0500,
Alan Ghelardi wrote:
I'm sorry, maybe I wasn't clear previously. Actually, you can
install emacs-slack through the Emacs package manager (although
you can also clone the repository to a folder that you've placed
in the Emacs load path). I've pointed out to the Github page just
for documentation purposes.

In addition, if you are a more advanced Emacs user, you can
utilize use-package package to install emacs-slack (and other
packages) automatically at Emacs startup. You can have a look at
my Emacs settings if you preffer in order to have an idea about

On 11/22/2017 11:17 AM, John Covici wrote:
OK, so Icloned emacs-slack, so how do I install the thing?  All I see
is a bunch of .el files and the readme file which says nothing about
installing or how to start it.

On Wed, 22 Nov 2017 06:45:13 -0500,
Alan Ghelardi wrote:
As far as I know no. Uploading files is very straightforward but
it seems that there is no how to download then. Generally when
someone uploads a file I press return over it and my default
browser is open in the page where I can download the
file. Perhaps this is a limitation of Slack's Web API and not of
the package itself.

On 11/22/2017 09:05 AM, John Covici wrote:
Also, any way to download a file using this package -- I see something
to upload the file, but how about downloading?

On Wed, 22 Nov 2017 06:02:20 -0500,
Alan Ghelardi wrote:
This package is just a client that interacts with Slack's Web API
via an https connection. Notice that you should create an app
associated to your account in order to obtain a client id, a
secret key and a token to authorize the connection.

On 11/21/2017 07:10 PM, John Covici wrote:
My team requires an ssl connection, will the package you talked about
from github do that?

On Tue, 21 Nov 2017 15:34:40 -0500,
Alan Ghelardi wrote:
Not sure if I understood your question. Please, could you elaborate?

On 11/21/2017 06:03 PM, John Covici wrote:
I looked at emacs-slack, but I need to connect via ssl -- with this
package do that?

On Tue, 21 Nov 2017 10:57:04 -0500,
Alan Ghelardi wrote:
Have a look at: The
Github page has everything that you need to get started.

On 11/21/2017 01:46 PM, John Covici wrote:
hmmm, I tried installing slack melpa package, but could not find any
documentation or any way how to use it.  Is the emacs-slack different
from this one?

On Tue, 21 Nov 2017 07:18:14 -0500,
Alan Ghelardi wrote:
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Some friends are complaining about the accessibility of Firefox 57 on Windows systems. maybe there were 
accessibility regressions that affected some applications on Linux as well, although I haven't tested yet and 
can't confirm this.
However the better way that I've found to use Slack on a computer was through a Emacs package called 
emacs-slack. It provides an excelent access to the majority of Slack features without accessibility problems.

Obviously if you aren't an Emacs user there is no sense on using it just for getting access to Slack, but if 
you are, I strongly recommend having a look at it. My company uses Slack heavily and this package has saved 
my life since I was
having lots of problems to interact with Slack with Firefox. By the way, the iPhone app also works relatively 

On 11/21/2017 09:24 AM, Michał Zegan wrote:


Slack seems to be inaccessible on new firefox, before it was far better.
You need access to any kind of slack channel.
When you join it, your focus goes to the message field, when you switch
to browse mode you should be able to navigate around, and previously it
was possible, but not it reacts... weird, and actually doesn't really work.

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