Re: [orca-list] Orca and Firefox 57

Hi Pavel.

I hope you don't mind my CCing the Orca list since maybe other people
are wondering the same thing.

Regarding Firefox 57 and Windows: Linux is not Windows. Unless something
has changed about which I am unaware, Orca should continue to work with
Firefox. I use Orca with Firefox Nightly which is currently in version
58. Still works for me. I've not had to make any special "new firefox"
modifications to Orca. And again, as far as I am aware, there are no
such modifications for me to make. If you are experiencing something
different, please let me know.


On 11/09/2017 12:29 AM, Pavel Vlček wrote:
Dear Joanie,

Firefox 57 is coming on 14th November. Developers changed access to
assistive technologies and Windows screen reader users must now disable
Firefox updates, because it is inaccessible at this time. So my question
is, will Orca work with new Firefox 57 and if so, what version of Orca
will be ready for new Firefox?



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