Re: [orca-list] Orca Went All Weird with Speech-dispatcher

Hey guys.

I've not done anything in Orca yet with respect to espeak-ng. Either I
do or speech-dispatcher does, apparently. Thanks for the additional


On 05/08/2017 07:12 AM, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
Hi Storm,Joanie and all.

I've espeak-ng installed with the following behavior:
If I change in the preferences the person to portuguese Brazil, orca
keeps speaking in english. 
In addition, when I access the preferences, the person selected is
'portuguese portugal' instead of 'portuguese brazil'.
I beleive that this is related to espeak-ng. If necessary, I can
reinstall espeak to confirm.

On 2017-05-08T07:46:56-0300, Storm Dragon wrote:

 > Howdy,
 > I've been sort of slack about updating, and hadn't done so in a while. I'm not sure what the last 
version was lol.
 > Do you have espeak-ng installed? It's what I am using, maybe that's what is affecting it.
 > Thanks
 > Storm
 > On Mon, May 08, 2017 at 05:14:35AM -0400, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
 > >Hey Storm.
 > >
 > >I'm not able to reproduce this. And I cannot think of anything I changed
 > >in Orca which would impact voices. But if you could pin down the commit
 > >in which Orca didn't have this issue, I'll take a look.
 > >
 > >Thanks!
 > >--joanie
 > >
 > >On 05/05/2017 08:49 PM, Storm Dragon wrote:
 > >> Howdy,
 > >> I'm running orca from git, as of like 5 minutes ago. It is speaking in
 > >> what it calls english Caribian, but it sounds like the default english
 > >> voice. I changed the voice, but it will not change or save my setting. I
 > >> have tried removing the .local/share/orca directory and creating
 > >> settings from scratch with the same results.
 > >> Storm
 > >>
 > >>
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José Vilmar Estácio, Telefones: 21 2555-2652 e 21 98868-0859, Skype:
jvilmar, Hangouts: vilmar informal com br

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