Re: [orca-list] Inserting Images with LibreOffice


I also haven't mastered this part of Libreoffice Writer.
I think when inserting picture like this the image is added into the document and focused right away. By using arrow keys we can adjust its size I assume. However this part of the UI is not accessible at all and to make it at least marginally accessible it requires a lot of work. For example I can't think of how such a feature might be made accessible. Should LO somehow expose the image size to orca so it shal report it each time it's adjusted or are there more properties involved?
When hitting esc key I think the image remains inserted in the document but it's again not correctly reported by orca. If you would like to make sure, you can see the statistics tab of the File -> Properties window to compare if the image has really been added.
I think Libreoffice has a lot usefull features however some of them are roughly accessible líke this or we should practice a bit more in order to learn all the various features.

I've written a quick random tip on paragraph styles not long ago.



Dňa 29. 3. 2017 7:23 AM používateľ "Hunter Jozwiak" <hunter t joz gmail com> napísal:

I am trying to insert an image in to a file with LibreOffice Fresh.
However, Orca does some strange things. For one, it says image1 image
and won't let me leave that section of the file. It seems to also pop
up a properties dialog that I can't get to leave me alone. When I hit
escape, the insertaion fails and I am left with a blank space where
the picture should go. How do I fix this?
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