[orca-list] Install/select Festival in Orca on Ubuntu 16.04


I would like to use Festival for speech output on Ubuntu 16.04 with Orca.
I read a few articles on the internet and on the orca-list archive and
followed the instructions but I'm not able to get it work.

Festival is installed and I tested it in terminal. Also when brltty is
running on start up, I hear the voice until Orca starts up.
Altough, Festival doesn't show up in the Orca "Voice" menu.

Is it possible to use Festival on Ubuntu 16.04?
How can I make Festival show up in the Orca menu?

I installed the following packages:
- festival
- festvox-don
- festvox-kallpc16k
- festvox-kdlpc16k
- festvox-rablpc16k
- gnome-speech-swift
- emacs
- festival-freebsoft-utils
- libgnome-speech7

I added the folowing line in /etc/festival.scm:
(Parameter.set 'Audio_Required_Format 'snd)

I uncommented the AddModule line in /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf

I uncommented Festival related lines in /etc/brltty.conf

thanx in advance,
Kind regards,

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