[orca-list] Kakoune editor and Orca


I'm playing with this new console code editor and am having some issues. The biggest is that Orca doesn't seem to track the cursor when it moves. I can enter text, but it isn't read when I arrow around, nor does my review cursor end up near the text when I review what I've written. It seems to land near the status line. Unfortunately the default status line is a bit chatty, which I fixed by eliminating outputting the line/column position of the cursor, but that didn't eliminate the cursor issue.

Were I to file an issue against Kakoune, since this does seem like a Kak and not an Orca problem, what should I tell them to change so Orca can track the cursor?

Kak also offers hooks that run shell commands, along with retrieving lots of information on the buffer. If it's just a matter of outputting ANSI escape sequences or something to change where Orca/VTE perceives the cursor to be, maybe I can write an accessibility helper. I'm thinking of experimenting with doing that anyway, so selection changes and such get piped to Orca, and maybe we can have a better console editing experience without having to switch to a VT or use Speakup. Nothing wrong with either, it'd just be fewer context switches.

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