Re: [orca-list] Unable to get orca working after insalling gnome in an arch system.

Matthew Dyer <ilovecountrymusic483 gmail com> wrote:
I just grabed the latest image from the talking arch website and got arch
installed in a vertual machine.  I am unable to get orca to start for some
reason.  using espeakup I can get some info about the display.  I am not
sure if it is just me or are there other arch users having the same problem.

It's working fine here, so, without more information, I don't know how to

Try running
spd-say hello
from the terminal to make sure it isn't a Speech-Dispatcher audio issue. If
that doesn't speak, then Orca probalby isn't the problem.

Also, if you aren't doing this already, try starting Orca after the desktop is

I've previously read requests from people who have experienced difficulties
with running in virtual machines. I don't know to what extent the problem were
VM-related, however. Thus, for example, if you're running PulseAudio in a VM,
the audio actually has to reach the virtual sound device. If you have a
braille display, you somehow have to forward it to the guest's USB port. You
need to handle switching keyboard focus to and from the guest operating system

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