Re: [orca-list] Libreoffice and spellchecking


I've changed the dialogs to libreoffice and for them to use GTK.

All seems to work now.

I'll do another test and see if something does not work properly.


On 09/28/2016 04:21 PM, Alonzo Cuellar wrote:
When using libreoffice Orca does not give much information when using spell check. I'm using an up to date orca from git at the current writing of this message. The buttons are labeled, but no Orca does not give me information as to what the problem is when an error spellcheck finds. Also when pressing alt-t and arrowing down to word count I can not read the dialog with Orca. I have tried using Orca's flat navigation review keys and all i hear are the close and help buttons. I can only see the buttons by tabbing threw the dialog.
I would be happy to test.
I have tried setting the following in /etc/profile.d/
and I see the same results.
Orca = up to date from git
linux = Arch Linux

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