[orca-list] An interesting bug with Orca on text formatting information

Dear all,

I found this interesting situation wit Orca while reading documentation on gitlab.

As you all are aware that I lead the development of GNUKhata <http://gnukhata.in> a free, industry standard accounting and inventory software.

the project is on gitlab at <www.gitlab.com/gnukhata/gkwebapp> for the front end.

on the wiki at <gitlab.com/gnukhata/gkwebapp/wikis/home> there is an interesting bug I discovered.

Steps to reproduce.

Go on the said page.

Now press v to go through the visited links.

For example I stop at some link.

Perhaps you can get same results using u for unvisited links.

Now press Orca + f to hear formatting information.

Orca will report the color as steel blue.

Now press h for moving to next heading.

Again press orca + f for getting information.

Ora will report color (amongst all other information ) as steel blue again.

Here, I know it is slate grey.

now move down and up with arrows and come back to the same heading.

Now Orca will properly report the color when you press orca + f to get all information.

Happy hacking.


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