Re: [orca-list] orca and find in gedit

Hey José.

Thanks for the report. I'll take a look.

On 11/12/2016 05:50 AM, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
Hi all.

When I find a text in gedit, orca is double speaking the line where the
text is found.

To reproduce try the following steps:

1. Open an empty file in gedit and create three lines with the following

line 1

line 2

line 3

2. Press ctrl+f and type line.

Note that orca speaks line 1 for each character typed.

3. Press down arrow.

Note that orca speaks line 2 two times.

4. Press down again.

Orca speaks line 3 two times.

This is not critical but in my opinion is annoying.



Assinatura Informal José Vilmar, Telefones: 21 2555-2650 e 21
98868-0859, Skype: jvilmar

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