Re: [orca-list] linux full time

I tried Lilnux, i.e. booted a live cd in 2010, and  with in a week had 
switched to it as my primary OS using Windows perhaps 5-10% of the time 
for a year or so. 
Now I can easily go 6 months or a year with out booting in to windows, 
really only have one program I might actually have to boot in to windows 
to use once in a while. 
Unless your school or work forces you to use a windows only application I 
can honestly say that I think you, (in the general sense), can in most 
cases live a happy computing life with out touching Windows. 
I have found LInux more comfortable in d in many caes more efficient than 
the MS opperating systems, but Linux is not perfect, and there are some 
advantages to windows. 
One place where windows wins is in voice selection, but if you want or 
need to work with very fast speech the only two synths I know that can 
handle it are both available for both Linux and Windows.
There are some nice windows programs that do not exist for Linux, or are 
not accessible, but there are Linux aps that do not work or do not work 
well with speech on Windows.
I think all things being equal Linux today is at least as intuitive as 
windows, i.e. I really wish more people got the chance to start out on 
Linux, or at least have multiple opperating systems equally available to 
try before they get set in their ways.
Many keystroke, and quite a few popular programs are available on both 
Linux and windows, control  x c and v do the same thing, as does alt f4.

B. Henry

*follow me on Twitter @BurtHenry
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Milton wrote:
    06/05/2016 at 02:25

MI do for about 4 years now using Ubuntu and Orca. It fits my needs. For one
Mexceptiion, to use an XML-Reader from our Librairy for the Blind to read daily
Mnewspapers etc. Only for that reason I run Windows in virtualbox.
MOp 06-05-16 om 07:55 schreef mattias jonsson:
M> anyone here using linux full time and giving up windows?
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