Re: [orca-list] Jira

Hi Kendell,

yes this is an enterprise edition. But i am not sure about the
differences to the opensource one.

I'm not sure about the java-atk-wrapper: is it possible to tell
firefox what java installation to use? Currently i'm just using JDK
1.8 but if it would help i would of course just install the 1.7 stuff
and build the atk-wrapper into it.

But maybe we can already make things simpler by reconfiguring the ui.
There are a lot of "remove gadget" or "edit gadget" widgets, so maybe
this would be an option, too. Well i cannot reconfigure it myselve but
our Jira Admin would assist with these things..

- Jann

2016-03-24 12:24 GMT+01:00, kendell clark <coffeekingms gmail com>:
Is this jira open source? I ask because just in case joanie can't fix
the problems you could get the bugs fixed upstream. I'd prefer the
problems get fixed in orca though, and for a good reason. Your company
might not want to or be able to update their copy of jira to fix the
accessibility bugs, but you can easily update orca if these problems get
fixed. As an added suggestion, have you tried installing the
java-access-bridge package? This package exists in arch, and should in
other distributions, but I'm not certain about this. Also try installing
the java-atk-wrapper. I don't know if this will fix all of the problems
but it might help, since you say your company uses a lot of java.
Kendell Clark

Jann Schneider wrote:
Hi all,

i'm just wondering if anyone could give me some hints how to make jira
more accessible for Orca. I have to use Jira at work and there are
many situations where the accessibility is very limited. They are
using a lot of dynamic javascript dialogs and stuff (i guess) that
might be problematic.

Some examples for problematic parts:
- when typing into a text widget and a proposal list is provided i'm
not able to get to it
-- e.g. if you want to add a watcher or pick a version etc..
- a lot of buttons are just not spoken by Orca
-- e.g. in project administration -> user management or roles or versions
- Some links would provide a kind of sub-menu but it isn't possible to
activate it via the keyboard
-- e.g. when editing an issue there is a "more" button at the top of
the issue that would provide - well - more options :-)

In order to make things simpler i tried to use the Eclipse Plugin.
Unfortunately this is also partly accessible. As a next step i thought
about some little python scripts or similar stuff but i just wanted to
ask if there are any known hacks or solutions i'm just not aware of.

btw. i'm talking about Jira Version 6.2.x and don't know if this has
changed in newer releases. In the past each new version introduced new
accessibility issues instead of fixing them..

Thanks in advance,
- Jann
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