Re: [orca-list] Accessibility of apps

Oh, I know you want smaller fish to fry, but LibreOffice please!



On 02/20/2016 02:56 PM, MENGUAL Jean-Philippe wrote:

It's a common assessement: if free software isn't accessible, it's not a
screen reader problem, but the app which doesn't send good info to at-spi.

ok. How to fix this? Explaining, bug reporting, etc. One idea is
hackhaton. We did one this week-end in Paris. We studied Audacity and
Linphone: 2 GTK apps, where essential issues are related to labels,
focus movements with keyboard, etc.

But I realise that I have not a lot of further ideas of simple apps to
improve. I plan mumble, and other more complex things such as
libreoffice or Firefox, so complex for a general-hackhaton.

Do you have ideas of apps on which we could report accessibility bugs
during an hackhaton, or help fixing, in GTK? Can you tell me apps you
don't access to (or access just partially)? And what is it for? No

It'll give me ideas for next hackhaton/bugreports. If they're in GNU
project, still better.

Thanks for feedbacks,


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