[orca-list] Mate: Annuncing editable text field on the desktop


Today, in Mate, on the desktop, when reaching an icon by typing the first letters, Orca annunce a text field is focused, and the desktop comeback. For my team and me, and users we know, thi behavior is very heavy. In Windows, when typing the first letters, it annunce simply the icon.

Technically, in Caja, there is aan invisible text field when typing text on the desktop.

We managed to disable focusing this text field, but, it seems it could involve others problem for the languages which contain special characters. The idea would consinst in lying to Orca to hide this text field.

It could be discussed. Is there a sense to tell to the user we are in a text field when typing characters on the desktop?

Hypra S.A.S.
tél. : 01 84 73 06 61
ligne directe : 09 72 49 77 48

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