[orca-list] Odd behavior

When orca starts (on a reboot or power up of computer) I have no braille using my varioultra40. However when I go into orca preferences it shows braille as being checked. As soon as I click ok though it seems to uncheck it or at least if I go in again it shows as unchecked. If while it is unchecked I go to a console ctrl-alt-f1 and login and restart brltty (sudo systemctl restart brltty) and then come back to the desktop login and bring up orca preferences and turn on braille again and then press ok I have braille. If I choose not to do this at the login screen but wait till I get to the desktop I can go to a terminal and go through the same steps to get braille.

I am running Ubuntu 16.04 with brltty 5.4 and orca 3.20.3. This behavior seems to occur whether I use unity or mate as my desktop.


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