Re: [orca-list] Orca loads and unloads

Glenn <glennervin cableone net> wrote:
So I log in and Orca starts, and immediately says screenreader off.
Any thoughts?

I haven't used Ubuntu, so I'm not well qualified to help. However, there
should be a desktop setting which controls whether Orca is run after you log
in. I would suggest looking for it and enabling it if it isn't already on.

Also, try running Orca after you've logged in, for example from Gnome-terminal
or from a dialogue that lets you enter a command. See whether Orca stays
running if you invoke it manually.

The "screen reader off" message might be from the instance of Orca that reads
the login screen, which in my experience is not the same instance that loads
in your user session after you've logged in.

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