Re: [orca-list] confused on keystroke for accessing child window

I can't reproduce this. alt+grave works as expected for me running Vinux 5, Orca 3.18 and Gnome.

On 24/04/16 05:53, Krishnakant wrote:
Now I have confirmed that alt and grave have a sure problem.
If I am switching between two windows of a same application, it does
announce the title of the other window in that app but as soon as I
release the key combination, focus is back at where I was.
If I am in pidgin, a new chat window's title is announced but focus is
back at the buddy list window.
Can any one reproduce this?
I see same effect in Thunderbird.
Happy hacking.

On Sunday 24 April 2016 01:49 AM, Christopher Chaltain wrote:
Does control+page-down or control+page-up work? That's what I use to
go between tabs in the same window, and when a new chat window starts
in Pidgin, I think that's a new tab and not a new window. BTW,
alt+grave does work for me in jumping between two windows of the same
application, such as Thunderbird or Firefox. I'm running Gnome on
Vinux 5. Note that depending on the link and how I open it, I could
end up in a new window in Thunderbird or Firefox or a new tab.

On 23/04/16 09:27, Krishnakant wrote:
Dear all,
I am wondering if alt + grave is not the combination for accessing
unfocused child windows?
I tryed it but it does not work.
Let's say I am using pidgin and a chat window opens.
How do I navigate between the pidgin try and that chat window?
I thought alt + grave should do it but it is not working here.
happy hacking.
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