[orca-list] something's wrong with orca's notification messages list

hi all
To reproduce, go into orca's keybinding settings, and set a key to
"Present notification messages list", which I bind to orca+n. Then, save
orca settings by pressing the ok button and try to activate the
notification messages list. Orca will announce "# messages. Press up and
down arrow to navigate in the list. Press home or end to move to the
beginning of the list. Press escape to exit. Press a number to jump to
that notification" That's not exact since I'm writing from memory, but
close enough. But after the message, orca never enters the list of
notifications. If you press any of the arrows, it will arrow around in
whichever application you're in instead of the notification list. This
only happens with orca master, orca stable, which is 3.20, works fine.
Can anyone else confirm this?
Kendell Clark

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