Re: [orca-list] warnning while building orca

Hi Joannie,
Very strange - this message comes from the pot file, downloaded from
GNOME's translation system:
Removing it all together  from the po file seems to "fix" it (i.e. it
builds correctly), but the Orca help still appears in English.
Updating the po file from the template re-introduces the warning.
I don't know how to generate pot file from source myself, so I could
check if there is any difference with the one from the translation system.
Plus, may be we've missed something when adding it (i.e. configuration)?

Best wishes,

На 12.04.2016 в 17:02, Joanmarie Diggs написа:
Hi Zahari.

I did a git bisect regarding the issue José reported. The warning seems
to result from this commit:

commit 2006c532e7d5a6683d815193fe31b244aa9ad911
Author: Zahari Yurukov <zahari yurukov gmail com>
Date:   Thu Mar 3 20:03:09 2016 +0200

    Added Bulgarian translation

:040000 040000 a7d27d14fa913853f10336a85d397fa95f27ea30
287455efd77b61df3b549de0f9b0a7270abf0050 M    help

Could you please investigate and correct? Thanks!

On 04/12/2016 09:50 AM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey José.

Confirmed. I'll take a look. Thanks!

On 04/12/2016 09:39 AM, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
Hi all and Joanie.

While building orca I found the following warnning:

Warning: Could not merge bg translation for msgid:
The <gui>keyboard layout</gui> radio button group allows you to specify
if you will be working on a desktop (i.e. with a numeric keypad) or
laptop keyboard. Which layout you choose will determine both the
<key>Orca Modifier</key> as well as a number of keyboard shortcuts for
performing <app>Orca</app> commands.

Assinatura Informal José Vilmar, Telefones: 21 2555-2650 e 21
98868-0859, Skype: jvilmar

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