Re: [orca-list] Accessible Chess - Orca and XBoard

Dear friends,
 First of all I am not dead :). I have committed lot of changes since
last mail. So it's time to check updated new branch named "gsoc-2015".

1 compile with --with-espeak or --with-speech-dispatcher,
2 Announce move brief (in options menu),
3 Marking menu items bug solved,
4 Grab focus by pressing arrow keys,
5 Seirawan Chess is now accessible,
6 KeyNavigation Starting position to e4,
7 Engine Output window corrected in gtk3 version,
8 Xaw arrow key focus,
9 Default compile library check order GTK3 -> GTK2 -> Xaw -> Xaw3d,

Please test this immediately! We have to get into debian stretch!

I think chrys87 will update the AUR package anyway one can clone and
install using following commands
git clone --branch=gsoc-2015 --depth=1
autoreconf --install
./configure --prefix=/usr --with-speech-dispatcher
sudo make install

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