Re: [orca-list] notification messages and braille

That's what I found as well.
I also found that orca does not use the voice system for advertising messages .
I sent a patch to Joanie fixing a problem regarding notification.
As soon as the patch is accepted or rejected, I can send another correcting the problems.
On 09/06/2015 10:16 PM, kendell clark wrote:
I can confirm by looking at the source. I don't actually own a display
either, but I see no braille functions being called in
notification-daemon script. Joanie could probably fix this easily.
Kendell clark

On 09/06/2015 08:08 PM, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
Hi all.
It seems that the notification messages are not presented by orca in
Someone could confirm as I do not own a Braille display ?

José Vilmar Estácio de Souza

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