[orca-list] OT, tintin sound pack, emacspeak and speechd-el are now in the sonar repositories

hi all
Just writing in to let everyone know that I've just gotten phil mooler
from manjaro to add tux's sound and trigger pack for alter aeon, as well
as emacspeak and speechd-el to the manjaro repositories, and they'll be
actively maintained. I've been trying to work with luke to get the
tintin pack packaged up for vinux so all you vinux users out there can
benefit as well. I think emacspeak is already in the ubuntu repositories
courtesy of debian.
That brings me to something I've been wanting to say for a long time.
While I'm not as active in  the vinux community as I once was, that does
*not* mean that I have anything against vinux or it's developers, nor
does it mean I don't like them. When I originally left I might have had
something I thought was a reason, but it's been so long ago I can't
remember, but it's under the bridge now. I've somehow become the blind
linux evangelist, so I'm sort of distro agnostic. I help everyone,
regardless of distribution. So if I seem to suddenly not connect to
channels I used to constantly, it's because I've been trying to improve
accessibility for three desktops, gnome, mate and cinnamon, two distros,
fedora and sonar, as well as get the distribution independent installer,
called calamares, usable. I'm also a writer for opensource.com, trying
to counter some of the "gotta have windows" messages thrown out there by
blind windows fans, and I can only handle so much at one time.
Kendell clark

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