Re: [orca-list] orca mass installs

you are best just to get the accessibility ppa in to your sources.list.d dir/don't have the url really handy, but it was posted recently to this list. When at-spi stuff has important updates it usually goes in to that repo, always if required as far as I know, and orca versions are quite recent. I never build atspi from source except for rare instances when something new needs testing. We are likely to get a heads up here when something major happens with at-spi packages. Yes, ou should be able to copy the binary assuming the identical distro/release scinario you mention, but again, I'd just get the accessibility repo and be happy with those versions, but if you do want to build from git master, then use that repo and just make orca once., make a .deb and copy it to all the machines.
Sometimes important files change besides the executable of course.

   Registerd Linux User 521886

On 13/10/15 01:16 PM, John Heim wrote:
I am responsible for about 100 linux workstations running ubuntu 15.04. I am thinking about putting orca compiled from master on them. Questions:
1. How accurate is this document:

2. How necessary is it to compile atspi from source as well? Do I really have to do that?

3. Can I distribute my compiled version of orca by copying the binary to the other machines assuming they are identical?
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