Re: [orca-list] More on Orca and Firefox: possible freezing

Hey Peter.

I just encountered the freeze. I see at least one place where
Orca is losing time processing events. I'll see if I can reduce that time.


On 06/03/2015 06:05 AM, Peter Vágner wrote:

You are right I am using Firefox 38.0.1 now previously I was using
Firefox 37. I still can reproduce that freeze on even with
orca master and Firefox 38. However given the fact it can also be seen
on Windows with different AT's I am starting to believe there is really
verry little Joanie can do in order to improve the situation by tweaking
more orca side of things.



On 03.06.2015 at 03:45 B. Henry wrote:
Peter, you say you are using firefox 27?
Was this a typo?, i.e. were you using firefox37? I'm on
firefox38.0.5-1 I think it is on arch.
First if you are actually using firefox27, why? I froze updates at 22
I think it was on Ubuntu/vinux for a good while, and kept arch from
updating from
firefox24 for months, but have been updating on arch regularly for
some time. My reasons for freezing updates were mostly accessiblity
related for a
while, but problems with at least one extension kept me on the older
releases part of the time as well.
I assume that you are using latest firefox, Joani, and thus that
firefox version is not important here, but please correct me if this
is wrong. I've not
been following this conversation closely, so if this has been answered
please excuse me.

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