Re: [orca-list] Non-latin languages

Orca can't switch TTS language automatically for example when proper markup is detected inside a document such as on the web and / or within libre office documents however if you set your TTS and orca interface language manually or via profile, then you can read whatever language you like. Depending on the synth you do have some limited choices. With eSpeak for example choosing russian or chinese voice you will get latin texts read with english pronunciation and russian text with russian pronunciation and so on. I don't know multilingual orca users who take advantage of these features in person but I guess José is switching between english and portuguese settings via orca profiles and it is working fine.



On 10.07.2015 at 11:45 MENGUAL Jean-Philippe wrote:

Could you tell me:
- how does Orca support languages such as Russian, Chinese, Corean, etc? Does it support them? - If I have a latin environment and I need read a non-latin text, can Orca handle this? So far I tried on a French system reading with Espeak and Orca a Russian text, it didn't seem great. Any feedback on such expe!iences?

Thanks for feedback


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