Re: [orca-list] Accessible Chess - Orca and XBoard

On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 12:49 PM, B. Henry <burt1iband gmail com> wrote:
I am a bit unclear about what we need to do.
I think I do correctly understand that the xboard code has been updated since your last post, so that does 
need to be rebuilt/will do.
As for as the orca patch: you seem to say that we need to change something in orca besides apply the patch 
to scripts/, but maybe I am not
getting that right.
Is all we need to do is patch
Thanks/looking very forward to this.


Actually we are trying to pass  the information to orca via setting
accessible description on Board Drawing Area. But at present orca is
not announcing the change in accessible-description on currently
focused widget. This patch will make orca announce
accessible-description when focused widgets description gets changed.

Yes we made lot of change after the last post. If you want to try the
new way first of all compile the xboard using following command then
apply the orca patch to default/

sudo apt-get install fairymax texinfo libgtk-3-dev build-essential
git clone git://
git checkout gtk3
autoreconf --install
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install

Download the patch from previous mail and apply it using following command.

patch /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/orca/scripts/ <

Please use directory path according to your os distribution.

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