[orca-list] Discoverability of keyboard ungrab in VM software?

Hey all.

The developer of Boxes (GNOME's VM client) asked me about providing a
hint to users about how to ungrab the keyboard. In particular, if you're
in Boxes and want keyboard events to be sent to the host rather than the
VM, you can either move the mouse or you can press and release Ctrl+Alt.

My response to him was that this is the same issue as in other VMs and
that documentation is a good idea. But of course one could potentially
get trapped in a VM having not yet read the documentation.

So what say you? How should Boxes handle this situation? What
accessibility issues related to keyboard grab/ungrab and discoverability
have you encountered in similar products that Boxes should avoid or do a
better job at?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

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