Re: [orca-list] Espeak weirdness in arch?

So the sight has the following espeak, i686     Community       espeak
        1.48.04-1 and I don't think the /usr/local sudo rm -rf * command
would work considdering the package wasn't built from source, but am
willing to try, or, I can always downgrade until we figure out why
espeak is doing this oddness.  Thanks again!

On 12/17/15, tim <isfeldt gmail com> wrote:
     Hello, So I'm writing this cause this is the closest list I've
found with out digging threw my trash folder, but here goes, I've just
upgraded espeak on sonar to 1.48.154 and now I get odd strangnous with
espeak, Pidgin crashes it, and instead of for example Sudo pacman -Syu
in a normal terminal, it announces everything like s u d o p a c m a n
-S leter999 or some weirdness u, then instead of Syncing package
databases it reads by charactor, it's strange, and says things like s c
r e e n r e a d e r o n instead of Screen Reader on. If this all makes
  I've previously disabled varients in
/etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/espeak.conf btw.Sonar mate 2015.4 I
believe or 2015.3.

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