Re: [orca-list] Debian 8 'Jessie' released

The standard Debian setup supports only devices for which there is free firmware, so, some devices like wifi and graphics cards mey not work properly, without adding non-free, yet distributable, firmware after the install. There are unofficial images that include all this firmware.

When you run the net install, hit 's', then 'enter' to get speakup started. The console-mode installer works very well with speakup and braille devices. For a simple setup, go through the steps in order, and you should be fine. If Debian is to be your only operating system, and you don't want to preserve any data on '/home/ for instance, choose the "guided, use entire disk" option on the partitioning step. I chose manual, cause I'm a control freak. It's still very easy to partition a disk. I like the way Debian installer lets user decide which, if any, desktop is to be installed; I chose Mate. If you turned speech on for the install, the resulting system will be accessibl, without further tinkering. Because you are installing all but the base system from the network, there's no need to do updates immediately after installation.

After doing a Debian desktop system install, you may find that some expected apps were not included. For instance, I did not have pidgin, icedove, or a media player. No problem; I grabbed those, and a few more, using apt-get.



On 04/26/2015 10:27 AM, Majid Hussain wrote:
I have never used debian before, just the *buntu flavers and vinux.
what should I know if I go ahead with debian install?

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