Re: [orca-list] Your thoughts on item position and count in menus?

In that case the '

On Saturday 18 April 2015 10:35 PM, B. Henry wrote:
Your points are all good, but my reason for wanting an option to display taking separaters in to account it 
that there is probably an attempt to group way Orca presents data will be important.
Perhaps it should say some thing like "list group with 3 items ". Then when user moves down arrow once it can say "2 of 3 ".
Happy hacking.
certain items because of what they display or do was intended.
I'm no purist about much of anything, but Orca has always taken a path of giving the user a presentation as 
close to that seen by those looking at a
standard visual page. This is a marginal case but when communicatinig with sighted folks it's helpful to have 
the best possible idea as to what they are
In the case of the t-bird help menu the first three items are all truly help in  a pure sense, while the last 
two are a bit different, and that is why
the t-bird devs decided to separate them I reckon.
I think it is important to not overload the user with too many prefference choices when potential gains from 
choices are minimal, and probablyl not make
or break for anyone, and that does temper my enthusiasm for adding a way to turn a different style of list 
item numbering on, but I am still in favour
of adding such an option.

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