[orca-list] Mono, keepass2 and at-spi2?


I'm trying to establish whether using the keepass password vault program
is viable on three platforms:


I haven't looked at Android yet, but it runs very nicely on Windows 7
with NVDA.

Installing the keepass2 package on Debian pulled in a load of stuff for
the 'mono' system.  Which I think is some kind of environment for
running MS Winforms, Silverlite and possibly .net applications on Linux.
 Yes I know, Windows. But, I need a common password vault on all three

My question is; I have looked at what documentation I can find online
for mono and there is talk of it being accessible via at-spi2.
Installing keepass2 on Debian even installed a dependancy

But running keepass2 on Debian 7.6 64-bit with Gnome Fallback, the
opening dialog is totally silent and Orca reports it as inaccessible.

Does anybody on here have any idea about this (yucky) system?  It would
be good to get keepass to work on all three platforms and using a common
encrypted database of passwords.


Michael A. Ray
Witley, Surrey, South-east UK

The box said: 'install Windows XP, 7 or better'. So I installed Linux

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