Re: [orca-list] can orca work with xfce?

Just to let you know, I have speech-dispatcher working with Alsa, and
spd-say  works fine.

B. Henry <burt1iband gmail com> wrote:

So, I'm also assuming you have orca, and that it has pulled in dependencies including speech-dispatcher. 
I  also assume you have configured speech-dispatcher and it passed the basic tests running spd-conf, or you 
know what you 
are doing and manually did all the speech dispatcher configuration. If not, then run spd-conf selecting the 
you need. 
I'm also assuming you have xorg packages installed. I do not know exactly what packages are called for 
gentoo, so much 
help if any of that is not true is beyond me. 
If you have your x-server installed however and have a ~/.xinitrc file add the line I mentioned, (I put in 
two, but 
export GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge
is enough), must be copied in there at the bottom. 
Then just go to the console where you want to run the gui, I add some extras myself and startmy x-sesions 
in tty9 usually, 
but most common is to either use tty1, or have a desktop manager and they usually use tty7, but some use 1 
as well I 
Anyway, let's say you have a standard 6 console setup, and you are logged-in to tty6, go there, kill 
speakup with the 
printscreen key or similar, and then type startx and wait.
In around 20 seconds I hear welcome to screenreader on this netbook, so most modern computers will be 
faster. Again, you 
may not have any more speech than that message unless you have assistive tech enabled, so borrow some eyes 
for 30 seconds 
so that you can get help to find that item in the settings menu. Then log-out and restart your graphical 
session with 
startx again and hopefully everything, or most of it anyway, will be talking. 
Some .ini and .conf files in ~/.config may need tweaking to get them to dispaay in accessible ways. I do 
not know how much 
of what I had to do was distro specific. 

On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 04:38:38PM -0400, covici ccs covici com wrote:
So, now that I have xfce, what program do I start -- can you give me the
xinit file or whatever for doing this?


B. Henry <burt1iband gmail com> wrote:

I use xfce as my primary desktop on an arch-linux system. 
I just use startx, i.e. no desktop manager or init script or similar to auto start it.
Another poster commented that mate uses less memory, but my experience does not support this, nor does 
at least one 
article I read comparing desktop invironments, although at least two friends say that m ate uses less 
memory on their 
LXDE should indeed use less memory, but except for trying knopix's accessible version I've never tried 
it. A couple of 
years ago I found this unstable when running more than one GUI ap at a time. 
XFCE sadly does not yet make any panel applets and similar accessible, nor can one see the panels or 
the desktop with orca 
at all. Some  of these functions can be accessed however using menus or keyboard shortcuts, but much 
can not. This is 
certainly far from ideal, but I live with it because I like xfce's easy configurability.
Maate does show the desktop icons and most panel appletts are reasonably accessible in the latest 
release, mate 1.8, but 
there are some focus issues that effect some people more than others. I need to show text to others for 
my work, and the  
display on this netbook is broken. When I try to configure an external monitor orca generally goes 
silent until I close 
the monitor configuration interface. I had problems with mozila programs on another distro with mate 
also, but I will say 
that Mate seems to be under very active development, and from what I hear XFCE not so much at the 
For these desktops you will need to export a gtk module by adding 
export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN="gtk"
to your ~/.xinitrc file, or creating a shell script with that in it in your /etc/profile.d/ directory. 
Enable assistive 
tech once xfce is running. It seems that most people get enough speech to do this just by exporting the 
gtk stuff, but I 
had to et sighted help to enable the assistive tech.
When you log-out from either of these desktops you will need to kill off speech-dispatcher. So far the 
tricks I tried to 
do this automatically have not worked.


On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 11:42:58AM -0400, covici ccs covici com wrote:

I would like to know if orca can work with xfce -- I am tired of trying
to get systemd and gnome-session to work properly, and would like to try
a desktop that does not make you use a specific init system!

Any thoughts?

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         John Covici
         covici ccs covici com

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