[orca-list] some links from yelp not accessible


I enter main gnome help page ("yelp" command). There are 12 links there to main documentation sections. When looking at the page (using eyes) the first 3 links look different. And they are not accessible to orca. When you down arrow from "gnome help" text you hear nothing. Only after at least 7 down arrows you start hearing the text. It starts from "Desktop, apps" which is actually the fourth link. Do you reproduce the problem, that I see on Debian unstable?

I tested that this problem is not due to orca. Accerciser does not see caret movements in suspected area either.

The problem comes from "a" tags in yelp html pages, which sometimes have special css attributes. When I convert this yelp page to html and open in firefox, the page reads well. But in epiphany (webkit based, similarly as yelp) the problem is visible.

I also prepared a simple webpage to test the issue:

<a style="display:block;">block</a>

It's temporarily available at http://jarek.katowice.pl/jcwww/wymiana/block.html There are 3 words there, and the word "standard" is not accessible (using caret movement commands) in epiphany.

My libwebkitgtk-3.0-0 version is 2.2.6. Seems like the same version is in Fedora 20. So I don't expect the situation is better on Fedora, but could you confirm that?

Now, what do we do with the inaccessible parts of gnome help? If webkit is not fixable, we could ask gnome crew to format documentation in such a way that would not confuse webkit. Probably these places are rare. What do you think about it?


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