Re: [orca-list] Geany, SciTE and other Scintilla based applications

Hi Mike,

Looking at the Scintilla source and some of the gtk stuff it looks like
it's a matter of sub-classing the scintilla class, or making the
scintilla class itself a sub-class of some atk object.

Not exactly. Atk objects are typically separate objects from the widgets backing them. If you're coding for gtk+ 3.8+, then you'd want to subclass GtkContainerAccessible and associate your new class with scintilla by adding a call to gtk_widget_class_set_accessible_type into scintilla_class_init(). To support older versions of gtk, it's a bit more complicated.

And then doing something positive with the different signals which
scintilla emits to interface to atk.

One of the things your AtkObject may need to do would be to emit signals. It may be helpful to look at, say, gtkwidgetaccessible.c in gtk's sources to get an idea of what it does.

There seems to be a lot of talk now about vala but I don't know if
that's at all relevant.  I suspect it will just hide some of the
lower-level gtk stuff from view.

Scintilla doesn't use vala for anything right now, so imo it would be more trouble than it would be worth to try to use it.


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