[orca-list] Orca 3.8.2 with GNOME 3.8


I'm trying to push the packaging for the already older version of Orca 3.8 for
Debian. First of all: will Orca 3.10 work with GNOME 3.8? If so, I would try
that instead.

After launching Orca on the classical desktop, I ended up with no sound. Even
though a speech dispatcher instance was running, it remained silent.
Speech-dispatcher here is configured with alsa, so I always start
speech-dispatcher before the Orca session.
This worked fine up to now.
Spd-say outputs text with the speech backend _on the command line_. I know that
GNOME has shifted to pulseaudio, but Orca/speech-dispatcher remain silent also
when using pulse.  Sound output in general works via pulse in GNOME, so maybe
the problem is in Orca or the python-speechd-modules.

In some areas I seem to get garbled output on my braille display. I am not sure
whether I can reliably reproduce it.
When pressing alt+f2 and afterwards the down arrow key, I get "screen not in
text mode" on my braille display. After pressing up again, I am back at the text
field and on the right side of my 70 cells from the display, I get
unrecognizable signs.

The second issue might be related to BRLapi here in Debian, but maybe someone
has seen this before or has an idea.

Thanks for hints
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