[orca-list] RFC: Dropping Orca's launcher desktop file.

Hey folks.
Given that Orca is now more of a service than an application, and given that it no longer has a visible UI, I 
am wondering whether it is time to drop the desktop file for Orca that traditionally lives in 
/usr/share/applications. There is a keyboard shortcut in recent versions of GNOME and Ubuntu with Unity to 
allow the launching of Orca from the keyboard. This same shortcut also allows the user to disable Orca. So is 
there still a need to be able to launch Orca through the GNOME shell and Unity dash interfaces?

If other desktop environments still make use of this file, an alternative is to add an OnlyShowIn line to the 
file, and list the desktop environments that still may have a need for this file. Doing so would exclude 
GNOME and unity, thereby making sure that Orca is only launched via universal access/the keyboard shortcut.



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