Re: [orca-list] How can i update my orca to the latest at master?

Thanks kyle, You are always helpful as always.
So, latest version of orca is in AUR and you can install it with one command!
go sonar/manjaro go!

On 8/13/2014 12:51 PM, Kyle wrote:
There is a package called orca-git in the AUR. Sonar has a package
included known as yaourt, which will grab packages such as orca-git from
the AUR. You can run

yaourt -S orca-git

to install the master branch. You don't need to run yaourt with sudo, as
it does that for you. Please note: upgrading to Orca from master in this
way completely replaces Orca on your system. You will need to toggle
Orca off and back on using alt+super+s twice as soon as the new version
is installed. If you want to "downgrade" back to the released version,
jus run

sudo pacman -S orca

and toggle Orca again once the release is installed. Hope this helps.

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