Re: [orca-list] Anyone else having problems with Firefox 25 and Orca?

What version of orca and in what distro?
I saw messages regarding firefox 25 and ubuntu 12.04.

On 11/01/2013 02:10 PM, Janina Sajka wrote:
Hi, All:

I was up early this morning ttrying to get some work done via Firefox.
Orca was unaccountably crashing--over and over, on very simple
structures, i.e. radio buttons and drop downs.

As I've been expecting FF 25 soon, I checked and discovered that,
indeed, 25 had been installed since last I had accessed my browser.

Because I needed to get some work down, I downgraded and went to work.
But, now I have to ask whether this is a known issue?


{}S José Vilmar Estácio de Souza

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