Re: [orca-list] Strange behavior of orca after closing firefox

Hey José.

This is a side effect of the flat review window being an actual window.
Ctrl + Q quit a window that is technically underneath the flat review
window, so closing it causes the window manager to not give some other
window focus. The reason clicking the mouse solves it is because it
causes another window to be made active by the window manager.

I'll take a look later today/tonight and see if I can solve it.

On 02/25/2013 05:24 AM, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
Hi all.
Using the latest orca compiled from master and FF 19, try the following:

1. Launch firefox.
2. Explore the screen using the flat review commands.
3. Press ctrl+q to quit firefox.

In my machine orca stays completely mute, even if I press alt+tab.

Now the funny part.
Press the right button of mouse and orca returns back.
Can anyone confirm?

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