[orca-list] Chromium browser a11y

Just for kicks, I decided to play with Chromium, the open-source version
of Google Chrome for a11y testing. From what I see so far, Orca can read
the menu bar, but doesn't yet have accessibility to browser dialogs or
anything yet close to HTML elements. Clearly, there is going to have to
be some work done on this before its approaching primetime
While Firefox is certainly anc indeed accessible, it doesn't support
HTML5-based filesystem storage, which I need access too for app
development. Currently, Chromium and its friends are the only
alternative. So, what do you all think? p.s., html5 filesystem storage
is *not* the same as the DB API that's a part of html5. the DB API
simply give apps access to a local SQL datastore, which can be
manipulated by the web app that requested the resource. the filesystem
API allows client-side apps to store data within a sandboxed portion of
the user's local filesystem. Data can be non persistent or persistent,
depending on the app's policy which is defined within the application

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