Re: [orca-list] Even after a system reinstalation, Orca does not speak

Oh! These messages were very important for me. It's nice to know how
to test the system.
I did: espeak hello. Orca does not say anything. I did: spd-say hello.
Nothing is spoken again.
The conclusion is that the system does not have sound. I confess it's
a surprising conclusion. When the system is turned off, the sound of
good bye is listened.
I can't use ctrl+alt+right and left to change the volume. Here, it is
used to change among desktops.
Before this situation, I ask:
1. Does someone have any additional tip?
2. Is there a way to change the volume or turn on and off the sound by terminal?
3. Is there terminal commands to create a brand new user, allowing
that a new Home folder is created?

2013/2/4, luciano de souza <luchyanus gmail com>:
Hello listers,
Suddenly, the sound disappered. Having restarted my Ubuntu 10.10, the
sound keeped off. Without a help of a sighted-people, I could not
enable the sound. For this reason, I decided to reinstall the system.
The process was done successfully, but after it, I have a bad news:
the sound was still off. As I am using a customized iso and I have
used it before, I am sure orca is active. In spite of that, it doesn't
I have a partition for system files and another to the Home. When the
reinstalation was performed, the Home is entirely preserved. The
conclusion is that Orca does not speak by virtue of settings placed in
Home folders.
Becose I won't have external helps, I would like to retify this
problem by means of commandlines. It's eazy to type without see. I
suppose that, deleting Orca preferences or sound preferences at Home
folders, the sound will be enabled.
Another solutions could be: "To create another profile by terminal
commands". A blank profile won't have previous stored settings.
I can also copy the content of my Home and format this partition.
Howerver, if I do it, all the advantage of a separated partition will
be lost.
In short, what could I do to solve this problem?
Any help is appreciated.

Luciano de Souza

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